Welcome to the 26th edition of our CIL Matters Newsletter.


Over the past year, there has been lots of evolving and adapting happening at Merton CIL. In this edition we update you on our work and services and urge member to get in touch. We are keen to hear from our members about how we are doing and if there is anything that we can improve. You can find out more on page 9.


We also conducted research into the pandemic’s effect upon local Deaf and Disabled people. Our findings led us to make a list of recommendations. We will work closely with Deaf and Disabled people and local partners over the next few months to implement these recommendations and ensure that Deaf and Disabled people emerge from the crisis maintaining independence and inclusion. You can read more on page 11.


Over the next few months, we have lots of exciting things happening and we would love to see you there. You can find out more on page 16.


We hope that you enjoy this edition of CIL Matters!


Download here: 

CIL Matters - 26th Edition - PDF 

CIL Matters - 26th Edition - Word