You can call the Council switchboard on 020 8274 4901 to report any problems.

If you have access to the internet, it can be easier to use the following pages on the Council website.


Parking offences

You can report parking offences by visiting the Merton website.

This includes vehicles on the pavement and/or vehicles using Disabled parking bays without a Blue Badge.


Please let Merton CIL know if there areas where cars are often parked on the pavement and we will ask the Council to try to stop this.


Damage to pavements including weeds

You can report any damages to pavements by visiting the Merton website. 

This includes damage to pavements or tarmac, overgrown weeds and more. 


Fly tipping

You can report fly tipping and excess littering by visiting the Council website. 


Need support to report an issue or would you like Merton CIL to report on your behalf?

Just report and access issue by completing the contact form at the bottom of this page.


Let us know if reporting a problem gets it sorted out – if it doesn't, we will talk to the Council and find out what can be done. And send us photos, videos or a voice message with details.