CIL Matters Newsletter Issue 25

Welcome to the 25th edition of our CIL Matters Newsletter. This is the first CIL Matters newsletter presented by the Senior Management Team (SMT) of Merton CIL – Charlet, David, Stuart & Michael. We are honoured and excited to be co-managing the organisation. You can read about our new management structure and what we have been up to over the past year in our newsletter, where we provide an update of what happened at our annual general meeting, share our new impact report and more.

The crisis has caused some disruption to our plans for 2020-21 but we have adapted and continue to provide accessible and person-centred support to Deaf and Disabled people. You can read more about our services and how they are being delivered on page 4.

Enter Merton CIL's Christmas Raffle by making a £5 donation or completing our short annual survey. You can find out more on page 12 of the newsletter.
Donate here -
Complete survey here -

Thank you to everyone who has supported Merton CIL and its work throughout the pandemic. We are extremely grateful and proud of how our staff, trustees, members, supporters, and the local community have pulled together during such a difficult time. We look forward to working closely with you over the next few months to ensure that Deaf and Disabled people emerge from the crisis maintaining independence and inclusion.

We hope that you enjoy the newsletter!

Nov Newsletter CIL Matters - Issue 25 - November 2020