Help Us Scrap Benefit Sanctions Once And For All - Letter to MPs 

9th September 2020


We wrote to local MPs Siobhain McDonagh and Stephen Hammond asking them to help us scrap benefit sanctions by raising the issue within their political parties, table motions and amendments in Parliament to remove benefit sanctions for good.


The London-wide Deaf and Disabled People’s organisation Inclusion London has produced a briefing summarising some of the evidence. Merton CIL supports their key points that there is there is ample evidence to show that conditionality and sanctions are counterproductive in moving people towards employment and instead cause debt, hunger and distress and in some cases destitution. These outcomes are particularly acute for Deaf and Disabled people.


You can read Inclusion London’s briefing on their website here:


You can read a PDF of our letter to Merton's MPs here Help Scrap Benefit Sanctions - Letter to MPs


If you have any questions or wish to further discuss please contact our Policy Manager Michael -