Problems with school safety zones in Merton 

August 2021

Merton CIL has heard from Disabled people who live on streets that have been made into school safety zones are having problems. While people with Blue Badges can use the streets without problems, we have heard from people who have carers visiting them who have been fined and who have had difficulties getting taxis and cabs to pick them up during the times that the roads are closed to most traffic.


The Council has set up a system for carers to register for an exemption permit but it is unclear whether everyone is being told about the exemption. There is also a facility to apply for emergency exemptions using the RingGo app. The Council has also told us that people can appeal against fines/Penalty Charge Notices and they will be cancelled where there is proof of a care/disability issue being involved.


Exemption permits for carers are available through the Council website here:


Please contact Michael Turner at Merton CIL if you have any experiences to share: