Tom Lichy joins Merton Centre for Independent Living as CEO


Merton Centre for Independent Living (Merton CIL) are pleased to announce that Tom Lichy will be joining them as Chief Executive Officer from 12th August 2019.

 Tom and Lyla

Gina Vetesse, vice-chair of the board of trustees said, "We have had an exciting time growing and developing the organisation over the past 11 years. The trustees are looking forward to welcoming Tom to the team and to working alongside him to deliver our vision to enable Disabled and Deaf people to take control over our lives and achieve full participation in Merton and wider society."


Tom is a deaf BSL signer with ADHD and a background in technology, campaigning, and politics. Originally from Cornwall, he moved to London via Spain in his mid-twenties.  Tom lives with his partner, a theatre director and their two deaf daughters. Tom says, “The Disabled and Deaf people of Merton and further afield have always been an inspiration to me. I’m honoured and excited to join the team at Merton CIL supporting Merton’s extraordinary community. Lyla has done an amazing job building up Merton CIL and I will do my best to support and enable the Disabled and Deaf people of Merton to become future leaders.”  


Merton CIL's outgoing CEO, Lyla Adwan-Kamara, said, "Part of my role as CEO has always been to support building strong operational and effective governance structures, as well as a positive organisational culture, so that the organisation can continue to thrive when people change, and I feel that we have achieved that. I firmly believe that Merton CIL's future, with its strong values, and wonderful team, is very positive. It has been a real privilege to work with the team, trustees, volunteers, members and supporters. I feel honoured to have been part of Merton CIL's journey, and I am sure that Tom will be a great asset to the organisation on the next stage of their journey."


Merton CIL is the only user-led pan-disability organisation in Merton. Last year it supported hundreds of Deaf and Disabled people across Merton with accredited advice and casework on benefits, housing, community care and hate crime. It also supports Deaf and Disabled to speak up on the issues which matter to us, and to input into local and national policy.


For further information please contact:

Lyla Adwan-Kamara
CEO Merton Centre for Independent Living
m: 0744 936 2233
p: 020 3397 3119

f: Mertoncil
t: @MertonCIL