We all want to have choice and control over our lives, and to live in a place where we feel we belong and can get involved. However, many Disabled people experience structural barriers that impact our ability to live our lives in ways that we are happy with.

Speaking Up Illustration

Merton CIL’s 'Speaking Up’ service aims to work with local Disabled people to challenge structural barriers and get the support we need to feel included, listened to, and able to live well. 
Our current focus is on navigating barriers to health care and services. You can get in touch for support if:
  • You are having difficulties registering with a GP
  • You need support to speak up at a GP appointment
  • You have been removed from a GP’s register
  • You need support to build the confidence to ask for a change in your care or treatment
  • You have been refused health care
  • You are isolated and/or lonely and need support to explore options to improve your wellbeing
  • You need support to speak up about accessibility issues within health care and services
  • You need support around the extra cost of disability and its impact on your health and wellbeing


Referrals will only be accepted if there is a particular issue, and we can establish what you would like the outcome of our work together to be. This will be discussed clearly at our first appointment. We do not provide long term and ongoing support.


Speaking Up Workshops

We will also run workshops that aim to increase self-advocacy skills for local Disabled people. Find out about up and coming sessions below: 

1. Building skills to use your lived experience to achieve change. 


Other information