The information on this page was last checked on: 29th May 2024

We do not take any responsibility for the information on external links.

If you notice any mistakes or know of any organisations/information that may be relevant to the chapter please do get in contact via email


Accessible Activities in Merton

Craftivism & Chat at Merton CIL

A monthly session for Disabled people to get together, learn new information and skills.


Wheels4Me Cycle Hire London

Wheels4MeLondon will provide free cycle loans for Disabled people in London for up to a month at a time.


Swimming at Morden Leisure Centre

Includes accessible changing, a poolside hoist & poolside facilities 


Spartan Swimming Club for the Physically Disabled

The swimming sessions are fun and give some freedom from the constrictions of a disability. They meet at The Malden Centre.


Seated Yoga at Wimbledon Guild

Suitable for all levels including begineers 


Get Up & Go 

A range of activities including chair-based for the over 65s


DisAbility Activities at Fulham FC

Football sessions for different abilities including Downs Syndrome, Pan-disability & Blind and Partially-blind.